Midwest Pro Soccer Combine

December 20-21, 2023 / Brighton, MI


Andrew gold

Position: 4 Dominant Foot: Right

Birthday: 6/16/1996 - Height: 6ยด0โ€ - Weight: 195

10m: 2.06 30m: 4.3 5-10-5: 4.35 Vertical: 33.4

Andrew Gold is a solid and stable presence in defense that has experience as the left or right center back of a two-man CB pairing. As a center back, Gold excels in distributing the ball around the pitch especially on the ground. He is strong enough in the air to consistently win aerial duels and on the ground to hold off attackers. He was a four-year starter at DePauw University that has appeared in and started in 73 games over his DePauw career.