Midwest Pro Soccer Combine

December 20-21, 2023 / Brighton, MI


Wilhelm Nilsson

Position: 5 Dominant Foot: Left

Birthday: 9/15/1997 - Height: 6ยด1โ€ - Weight: 180

10m: 1.93 30m: 4.1 5-10-5: 4.29 Vertical: 29.2

Wilhelm Nilsson is a left-footed center back who is a positive presence in attack and defense. In attack, Nilsson delivers stellar diagonals to wingers regularly finding them open in space. Defensively, he is confident in stepping-up from a deeper position and making tackles on attackers. He is good in the air, helped greatly by his ability to read the flight of the ball. He is a four-year collegiate starter, having spent the past two years with UNC Wilmington, and played for the Djurgardens IF youth ranks.